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Mail inquiries to:
Muscle Valley
PO Box 781
Warsaw, MO 65355

Our Guarantee
Please read carefully

We base our product guarantee on the fact that it may take anywhere between 2 and 4 months to see and feel benefits. This is the case with most specific-purpose supplements on the market that don't contain stimulants. They have to be given a fair amount of time to "kick in".

*Please keep in mind that you didn't lose your strength and vitality over night so it may take a few months to see improvement.

If, after 3 months of use according to directions and *without a break in between bottles, you feel that 4EverStrong is not performing as suggested in our product information, that you are not stronger, healthier and more energetic, we will refund your purchase price if you ask.

You have purchased this product with the expectation that you will see noticeable
improvements in strength, stamina, energy, physical performance and vitality. If, during this critical first 120-day period, you feel that our formulas aren't performing to your expectations, please contact us. In many instances, we have found that there may be something interfering with product effectiveness. Ineffectiveness can be caused by such things as certain medications, lack of sleep, diet, health conditions or the need for a different way of taking the supplement. Most times, when we can talk with you, we can solve this problem and you will become a very satisfied customer.

* If your initial order is for 1 bottle, you will need to place your next order for the same product early enough (at least 7 days) so there is no time lapse in between first, second, third and fourth bottles. A time break will void our guarantee and, more importantly, interfere with the  effectiveness of that product. 
FYI- In 22 years we've never had to refund anyone's money!

* We've heard from customers who didn't think 4EverStrong was helping so they quit. After a few weeks not taking it they couldn't understand why they were so tired and worn out. At that moment they realized that 4EverStrong was working after all so they went right back on it. 4EverStrong usually works gradually so sometimes you don't realize it's working until you stop taking it.

4EverStrong was developed by
Muscle Valley Performance Products

Muscle Valley
"Helping people become healthier and stronger since 1997"

Customer Service and Guarantee

Please consult your healthcare provider before taking any herbal or dietary supplement. This is especially important if you are taking any medications or are suffering health-related issues..

*The products and claims made about specific products on this page have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
